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End of 2018

The end of last year was eventful: we had our 5th partner meeting, we took part in Sisäilmapaja10 (Indoor Air -seminar), there was a article about IAQe in the online newspaper Sisäilmauutiset and we were in our first internationalization business trip in China and Korea (read about the trip from here) during November 18-29th. After the fruitful trip the discussions around cooperation with China and Korea has continued and we also signed MoU with Nanjing, China. 

We want to warmly thank all of our partners for the awesome year 2018 - Thank you! 

5th Partner Meeting

People around the table listening to Sakari Leimu's presentation of Tikkurila Oyj.
Sakari Leimu presenting one of our partner companies, Tikkurila Oyj

IAQe had its 5th partner meeting November 6th in VTT Tampere. As a speaker in the meeting we had Jussi Kuoppala from Tampereen Tilapalvelut Oy. Kuoppala talked about the operating models of Indoor Air processes in city of Tampere.

We also went through the status of IAQe and had a workshop around the idea of Indoor Air Quality as a Service. The next partner meeting will be held on February 7th

IAQe in Sisäilmauutiset

Anna Merikari from The Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate wrote an online article about Indoor Air Quality Ecosystem, IAQe to Sisäilmauutiset. You can read the article in Finnish from here.


Many partner company of IAQe was present in Sisäilmapaja10. In the pictures our partner companies Ramboll Oy, Genano Oy, Kiilto Oy and Fläktgroup Oy.

Sisäilmapaja10 is Indoor Air Seminar which was organized for tenth time this year. Sisäilmapaja10 was organized by University of Eastern Finland, City of Kuopio, The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Savonia University of Applied Sciences and The Finnish Association of Indoor Air Quality and Climate. See the program and more info.

IAQe - open cooperation platform that links every party of indoor air development to achieve healthy indoor air. 

Coming up next... We have turned our eyes on 2019 and opened the discussions around joint projects and cooperation in Poland. Stay tuned!

By Aino Luuppala | Tamlink

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