The E3, Excellence in Pandemic Response and Enterprise Solutions, Co-Innovation project plan has been submitted to get processed by Business Finland for funding. The consortium is expecting news within a few months whether the project will be launched as planned.
The E3 project aims to create a new global business by exploring the spread and countermeasures of epidemic diseases in indoor environments. In the project’s context, indoor environments include buildings and their immediate proximity as well as vehicle interiors, e.g. passenger compartments.
A clear gap in our current knowledge is the lack of exact understanding of how epidemic diseases spread in indoor environments, what is the relative importance of different disease transmission modes (e.g. droplet, aerosol, and surface transmissions), and what are the most effective countermeasures to mitigate spreading of the pandemics.
The world needs effective countermeasures
Controlling the spreading of pandemics, like Covid-19, requires a comprehensive approach to cover all relevant transmission routes. No single countermeasure, even vaccinations, helps enough alone, no matter how effective it might be in its area. Finding effective protection strategies towards pandemics, and infectious diseases in general, requires a multidisciplinary approach and close co-operation between different specialists, like medical doctors and engineers.
The E3 project wants to harness modern science and technology to create effective countermeasures to prevent the spreading of novel infectious diseases. Before the next pandemic emerges, there would be technological solutions available and installed in indoor environments mitigating the transmission of pathogens in spaces where people meet.
The project plan includes seven work packages and three use cases.
Use Case 1: Smart Modular Healthcare
Use Case 2: Smart Office
Use Case 3: Dynamic Interaction of People and Indoor Environment
Work packages:
WP1: Risk assessment, Prevention & Control strategies
WP2: Pathogens & Human Being
WP3: Emission, Dispersion, Deposition & Exposure
WP4: Detection & Monitoring & Diagnostics
WP5 Airborne Contamination Control
WP6: Integration of Indoor Concepts & Solutions
WP7: Project Coordination & Coordination of Business Cooperation
Nine companies with their own projects and thirteen companies with other contributions (expertise & technology) are involved in the project with eight research organizations that are Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki University Hospital, Tampere University, Finnish institute for health and welfare (THL), Tampere University of Applied Sciences, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and University of Helsinki. Tamlink Ltd is the coordinator of the project.
Read more about the earlier stages of the E3 project preparation here.
About Co-Innovation
The Business Finland Co-Innovation fundin the E3 project is applying for is meant for companies and research organizations collaboration to develop new knowledge and innovations to serve as a basis for international business activities.
The funding is used for enhancing the research organization's competence, and for accelerating the utilization of research data and development of new export products. Co-Innovation joint actions reinforce both the Finnish and international networks.
More info about the Co-Innovation funding:
For more information about the E3 project:
Jari Erkkilä
IAQe, Coordinator
+358 40 513 6917
jari.erkkila @